Hi honey. No not you. I'm talking to my food. My honey. At least I think it's honey. It may not be(e).
The way you tell if honey is real or not is by the pollen in it. No pollen? You can't be sure that's it's real honey. From the article...
76 percent of samples bought at groceries had all the pollen removed, These were stores like TOP Food, Safeway, Giant Eagle, QFC, Kroger, Metro Market, Harris Teeter, A&P, Stop & Shop and King Soopers.
But there must be(e) a good reason for this right? I mean besides the almighty dollar?
Some U.S. honey packers didn't want to talk about how they process their merchandise.
Errrr, maybe not.
Well, go back and read the article and make up your own mind about real honey. Otherwise buy Brazil. It's got the best chance of being the real thing.
Religion in a Nutshell
13 minutes ago
I know a retired teacher who lives in a rural area south of here that has bees. He sells the honey in the comb. Excellent!
B - I know two people in the St. louis area that have bee hives.
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