Well, did something interesting pop up on the ol' internet or WHAT? It seems that the Chinese are exporting BABIES to eat!!! From an AP article..
South Korea is saying this morning that its customs officials are stepping up their inspections targeting smuggled capsules that contain the powdered flesh of dead human babies. How’s that for something to wash down with your third cup of coffee this morning?
There is nothing in Snopes about this yet. Maybe it's to soon to have been checked out. But in the comment section of the article I did find this comment...
Most likely it is placenta, not babies. Eating placenta is a culture for health benefit since it provides nutrition for fetus. Asian believe the leftover nutrition in placenta is good for people so they save placenta after delivery the baby.
Well let's do some searching on placenta eating or placentophagy as Wikipedia calls it. Ooohhhh yeah. Lots of stuff. As a matter of fact you can hire a placenta chef to come to your house. Watch this...
So there you have it. Babies? Probably not. Placentas? Very good chance.
High As A Kite
58 minutes ago
Ugh! I'll pass.
Will this be one of the ingredients on Chopped?
Chinese babies are dericious!! Cheers!!
Even if I were told it would make me lose weight so fast and I would grow to 5'8" and my neck would be my friend again and I would not age any further....I would still never eat babies or placenta. Aargh!
I wonder if they're spicy? So much Asian food is too spicy for me.
Meh, sounds tasty I guess. I wonder how one decides their calling in life is to be a placenta chef.
Ewwww, and we thought those red bugs or whatever they are to make that red dye were gross.....
Bilbo - I was going to put a soylent green picture on the post when I ran across the placenta stuff.
Angel - But it's good for you!
Elvis - Send them a suggestion for a show.
Matt-Man - They're not talking about the 25 year olds.
Peg - Sounds like a challenge for Rick to trick you.
Jay - Like I said to Matt-Man, NOT the 25 year olds.
Knight - It could be a back up job for your singing career.
Lizbeth - There's always something else out there that's a little more gross. I'll be looking for it for you.
Can you imagine being married to a placenta chef? Would you eat other things she prepared?
Svejk - I wonder if she works at some resturant too. Read that menu carefully.
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