You'll get a better effect for this if you click on the title and watch this on Youtube. But it still works here.
Start the video and concentrate on the plus sign in the middle. Don't look at the pictures on either side or you'll mess up the effect.
Flashed face distortion effect: Grotesque faces from relative spaces
We describe a novel face distortion effect resulting from the fast-paced presentation of eye-aligned faces. When cycling through the faces on a computer screen, each face seems to become a caricature of itself and some faces appear highly deformed, even grotesque. The degree of distortion is greatest for faces that deviate from the others in the set on a particular dimension (eg if a person has a large forehead, it looks particularly large). This new method of image presentation, based on alignment and speed, could provide a useful tool for investigating contrastive distortion effects and face adaptation.
Now go back and look at the video but bounce your eyes back and forth and the effect is gone.
today I have my first appointment
8 minutes ago
That is really cool!
Duck - I thought so too.
Pretty weird...
John - But cool at the same time.
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