Five hundred and thirty eight what? So it's a website, sort of. And it's election time in the good ol' USofA. So OBVIOUSLY it's a political website.
But what's the 538? 435 representatives, 100 senators, and president and vice president equals.... 537! hmmmmm....
Well worry no more. I'm here to tell you that 538 is the number of electorial college members. One for each representative and each senator of each state. That's comes up to ..... 535. hmmmmmm......
3 more to go. What about Washington D.C.? They have a nonvoting member of the house of representatives. That's 536.
Off to WIKIPEDIA and the 23rd amendment.Take a look if you want to see how the country was divided in 1961. (and still is)
OK so DC gets 3 voting members and that's how we get to 538. Where the heck was I going with this?
OH YEAH! and how it predicted the last presidential election and most of the Senate races. Go HERE to see the blog and see who he is predicting to win the big one. And go here to see the guys Wikipedia page.
Happy Monday!
1 hour ago
I'm hoping that, whatever happens on 11/6, the result is unequivocal.
Elvis - I don't think there will be any unequivocal elections for a long time to come.
I hope it's a defanate Obama win
I think he got famous by creating a computer prediction model that basically nailed the democratic primaries back in '08. Then the general election. Next thing you know his model gets bought by the NY Times and they hire him to run it.
Kristen - Me too.
Jay - And he's predicting all the right wins this time. I hope he's nailed it again.
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