Thursday, November 15, 2012

2074 - Six things

Click on any of these to see them bigger.

I'm glad Missouri didn't make the list on the right.

I'd always wondered if there was a picture of the inside of an egg. I'm wondering no more.

I think I know where the solor panels are going to be mounted. That's going to be a lot of electricity.

Take a close look at this picture.Do you think the truck will fit between any two of those posts?

Here's a shirt to wear to a tent revival. Or not.

And then there is a chart to follow. Science is a little harder to follow.


John A Hill said...

As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.
Karl Rove

Bilbo said...

DC isn't on either list, oddly enough, and Virginia is #7 on the "best educated" list ... odd, for a state that has an AG like Ken Cuccinelli. And the solar panels on our house are not quite that ... um ... expansive.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I guess I'll have to continue pluggin in the wall for electricity.

Mike said...

John - Only Carl could come up with logic like that.

Bilbo - See if you can get her to just come and stand by your house. It could be shocking!

Angel - It's the safest bet.