From an article on the site Addicting info...
KENTUCKY — A teacher in Laurel County at South Laurel High School wrote the following on her white board at a public school: “You can’t be a Democrat & go to Heaven.”
That's right, the election BS continues. Seems like the republican mindset isn't going to let anything go. Especially in Kentucky. The article also has a link to another article about it being technically possible to prosecute some one for being an atheist in Kentucky. I've posted something about that recently or read it on someone elses' blog.
So maybe the solution for Kentucky is dissolution. We can draw and quarter the state and give the pieces to the surrounding states. If they would take them.
Stay In Your Own Lane
5 hours ago
Which state would take those pieces, and what is the significance of the gold, red, and yellow sections?
Kristen - There is no significance to the colors. It's just a picture I found in the internet that showed the state divided up.
Bigotry in the south...hmmm, who'd have thought that huh?
No worse here than in the north.
Peg - Kentucky seems to be special.
Elvis - Kentucky seems to be going out their way to force their version of religion down peoples throats.
You'd think that people who drink that much bourbon would be more laid back.
Jay - One would think so.
Andrea - Well said.
Speaking for all Virginians, we don't want them.
LET - But you might get the good ones. There has to be a few good ones.
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