Thursday, November 29, 2012

2088 - Powerball

Well I went to check my powerball numbers and guess what. The powerball server has crashed! Well nuts! Their servers didn't go down while they were selling tickets. Now I want to find out if 5, 16, 22, 23, 29 and pb6 were the numbers and I can't get on the site. Well I guess I'll just check later.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA I crack myself up.

I saw the numbers on TV. And for buying two tickets I did pretty good. On one ticket I had number 22 and the power ball 6. So I think I won something. BUT I CAN'T GET ON THE SITE TO FIND OUT!!!!

Oh well, such is life. I'm going to have to wait until tom... today to check again. And maybe nobody won. How high do you think this jackpot would go if that's the case?
OK I'm back with an update. The site is back up. I won $4. So I got my money back. Can't beat that.

Update 2 - Somebody won the 580 million. The lottery site has the estimated jackpot back to 40 million.

Update 3 - Two winners, one in Arizona and one in...... MISSOURI! Could it be?! No not me...


eViL pOp TaRt said...

I'll bet that the big winner suddenly will have a lot of friends not due to Facebook.

I'm With Stupid said...

I saw that someone in MO had won and I thought of you. Then I saw that you had posted today so I knew you didn't win.

I bet the person in Arizona is a rich retiree who lives on a golf course.


Mike said...

Angel - I think the proper prodeedure is that you're supposed to kill yourself to spare yourself the agony of a million new friends.

Jay - More than likely you're right.

Jon Frum said...

If I won, I'd buy a drink for everyone in Portland.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Wasn't able to read blogs today and wondered if you were the winner Mike. So I came over here to see - I figured if you didn't write you won. So sorry! I won $7.00 - where will I spend it all?

Dianne said...

at least you got your money back :)

Mike said...

Jon - If you won I would tell everyone what you said.

Peg - IKR, what to do with all that new found money.

Dianne - It's like (      ) that.