Thursday, December 06, 2012

2095 - Are these your drugs?

You're pulled over by a police officer on the highway. He has a drug sniffing dog with him. Do you mind if the dog sniffs around your car? Of course not. After all, you didn't do anything wrong. Watch this video and rethink how you might answer. Or how you might start defending yourself.

Here's the NEWS STORY where I got the link to the video.


Dianne said...

well here in NY and on the highways of NJ they'll just shoot you if you try to explain

unbelievable story!
cop should be fired

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Amazing and scary shit!! thugs in all black who pull you over and refuse to identify themselves.
I am no longer a fan of "law" enforcement.

I'm With Stupid said...

Jackbooted thugs! There is no reason to trust the police in this country. They're basically an armed security force hired by the city and state to protect corporations from people and to make sure private prisons have enough prisoners to make profits.


Mike said...

Dianne - Probably a bunch of them should be canned.

Peg - They do keep making it hard to trust them.

Jay - I don't think MO has any for profit prisons. I least I hope not.

Claudia said...

This is a comment re: something from yesterday's post: Exercise of any kind reboots the growth of new brain cells and therefore boosts memory. (I'm betting you'll be a smart ass and answer this with "What?????" thus proving this research to be valid.)XXXOOO