Tuesday, December 25, 2012

2114 - The Twelve Days of Christmas

OK here's how to do this. Go to the bottom and read Mike Peters' cartoons working your way up. Notice the puns. Then when you get back to the top start singing 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' by working your way down the last word balloon in each toon.....ready....

(sing) On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to meeeeeeee....



Bilbo said...

With HTML codes, no less! Merry Christmas!!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Thanks for the puns!

Amanda said...

This is one of those Christmas songs that Adrian has been playing over and over again. And strangely, its also the one that I have heard several variations of this season. I never noticed them in previous years.

Merry Christmas!

Mike said...

Biblo - Blogger kept hiding the fake real HTML code so I had to use () instead.

Angel - Hope you had a very punny Christmas.

Amanda - Adrian has a new version of the song to learn.

Duckbutt said...

These were awesome. Merry Christmas MIke.

Mike said...

Duck - Merry Christmas back at you.