Friday, January 04, 2013

2124 - Management fail

Say you're a manager at Dennys. A group of local detectives come in to eat. They are wearing their badges in plain view.

Another customer complains to you about 'those men that have guns'. What would you do if you were the manager?

1. Tell the complaining customer to STFU and eat, those are cops...
2. Go tell the cops to put their guns in their cars because their guns are bothering another customer.

If you picked 2, you may be eligible to become a Dennys manager!! That's right. The moron told a bunch of cops to get their guns out of the restaurant.

Now a higher manager showed up and countermanded the 'get the guns out' order but it was too late. The detectives said thanks but no thanks we're leaving. Then they went back to the chief who issued the 'don't ever go in there to eat again' order.

Dennys main office said it was a big misunderstanding but I think the Dennys in Belleville, Ill is going to be a little less safer than it has been.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

I've felt a bit safer in a place at night if there was a policeman visibly present.

John A Hill said...

That's crazy talk!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I am convinced the dumb are the employed these days.

Mike said...

Angel - Exactly.

John - Amen.

Peg - It does seem that way.

I'm With Stupid said...

That's completely ridiculous but that manager is pretty much what you expect from chain restaurant managers. Most of them spend all the time either humiliating their waitstaff in front of customers or in the back counting the number of fries the cook put on the plate.

Along these same lines Mobutu's The Odious Tyranny of Chain Restaurant Middle Managers is a pretty good read.


Duckbutt said...

Definitely not managerial material. What a dillweed!

Mike said...

Jay - This guy should have stayed in the back and counted fries.

Duck - Hopefully they'll quietly send him on his way.