Here's an article from the Wall Street Journal telling us how the tax increases will devastate certain income groups. Here's a picture that explains it all. (click it to big it.)
No wonder all these people are looking so sad. That poor single person that only makes 230K a year will have to pay an extra $3000 a year. MY GOD! How is she going to make it!
Or the single mom that's only making 260K? What will SHE do?!
And the poor poor family that makes 650K a year will have to pay an extra 21K. Why that's half of a new Beemer. They may have to drive a car that's more than a year old! OMG, what will they do? How will the cope?
If you want to read the whinny ass article this came from it's HERE.
If you want to see another blogger bashing these people go HERE.
New Highway Thru Amazon For Climate Summit
40 minutes ago
If I was making $250,000 a year, I'd be grinning like a Chesire cat!
What married couple with four children has an income of $650K?? When Agnes and I were both working, we never came close to even $200K, and I think we were pretty well off. It would be interesting to know where they came up with those bizarre income figures.
I have attempted to share my thoughts on this topic but keep failing to make it short.
so I will say....I'd have kids though if I could make 650K a year. Just sayin'
Angel - I would think about going back to work for 250K a year.
Bilbo - I think this article is about the 1%er's.
Peg - You could buy some that were already trained.
At this point, I'm only interested in the retired couple--but I'd have to get a substantial raise to retire with that income.
Most people would be happy with half as much.
A woman on Tumblr posted how much more she is now paying in income taxes because of the "tax deal." She got flooded with people congratulating her on finding a way to let everyone know how much money she makes.
She deleted the post.
John - More than substantial for me.
Duck - I would be ecstatic.
Jay - One of the uppity ups not knowing the underlings know how to figure things out?
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