Monday, January 21, 2013

2141 - XD What is it?

Looking up new emoticons. What more fun could you have? XD So what is that? I couldn't figure it out just by looking at it but I've been seeing it every so often. Here's a picture.

Yes once I saw the sideways pumpkin picture I figured it out. It's supposed to be the new LOL. Or ROTFL. My response? YAWN. (It could be a pain emoticon too.)

The obvious answer to this one is B.

This would be useful tattoo if.... no wait.....

The following used to be true. But I have no use for a snooze button anymore.

And finally this has to be the most useful t-shirt ever.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

A very useful shirt!

I like the ROTFL pumpkin!

Duckbutt said...

That is a wicked tattoo!

Bilbo said...

The shirt is a bit on the crude side, but useful in dealing with people unable to receive the message any other way.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

After just returning from the gym and my core is burning I rather like the snooze buttom sit ups. In fact I much prefer those types of sit ups. :-)

Big Sky Heidi said...

On rough days I cound hitting the snooze button as exercise.

My first thought was, "Why does that pumpkin have XD on it?

The Bastard King of England said...

That tattoo seems to be so real.

Mike said...

Angel - I'll have to look for the shirt on a website.

Duck - It does make you look twice.

Bilbo - So you're going to order one?

Peg - I actually did some snooze sit ups today. First time in a long time.

Heidi - Did you know the XD meaning already?

King - Yes it does.