Friday, February 15, 2013

2166 - Zoom!

This is pretty funny. A kid built a sports car from junk parts. I mean really junk parts. But it runs. If you have a few minutes you can see what a hyper active 16/17/18/19 year old can build.

PS. I've started having trouble with Youtube videos stopping and starting. Anybody else?


John A Hill said...

No problems with the video. Great story.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

No problems with this video. An amazing car! Great engineering and assembly.

Some snarky stickers on the car; the one about his other ride was too much, as was the bear.

Who is Sarah?

Thanks for posting this!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

He could have used all that hyper energy in worse ways.
And yes, I have been having issues with

Mike said...

John - Thanks for the info.

Angel - I forgot about the stickers. I'll have to go back and look at them again.

Peg - I'll have to work on out issues.

Big Sky Heidi said...

A really cool ride!

I'm With Stupid said...

Everybody has a cooler car than me.

YouTube has been acting weird the last few days. Seems to be more normal today though.


Mike said...

Heidi - Don't let the 19 year old hear that. He'll be at your front door.

Jay - The definition of cool varies. Your car is owned by an IWS DJ.