Sunday, February 17, 2013

2168 - Wild animal, abandoned or not?

Oh look, a little baby deer. And no mother around. Should you rescue it? Should I keep typing? The answer to that last one is no. I found a good post on a vets' blog about supposedly abandoned animals. HERE. (A fellow blogger)


You think the Carnival cruise was bad? Ask Katie Holmes about a bad Cruise.


John A Hill said...

...she spends a lot of time washing her clothes!


Bilbo said...

Bad Cruise. Har, de har-har-har!!!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I liked that!

Duckbutt said...

Bad Cruise made my day!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Tom Cruise is the worst sort of cruise ever

Mike said...

John - I think I would figure out a new system.

Bilbo - I saw that yesterday and thought I'd better use it quick before the cruise becomes old news.

Angel - There is a lot of good information in that post.

Duck - It's good to have a day made so early.

Andrea - So I take it you're not signing up for the Tom Cruise?