Sunday, February 24, 2013

2175 - Overly Attached Girlfriend

This is a meme called Overly Attached Girlfriend. I have six of the better ones here. If you want to see all 144 of them, go HERE.

WAIT, there's more! Would you like to see a video of this person? I KNEW YOU WOULD!!! (22 seconds, a shorty)

Would you like to see a whole bunch of videos? HERE you go.


Amanda said...

What an intimidating video! Her eyes were so scary I couldn't look away.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

A guy's worst nightmare?

And guys thought that breaking up with Taylor Swift was hard!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Where did you find Rick's past dates?

Mike said...

Amanda - I found the videos by accident. She does some longer videos.

Angel - Is Taylor Swift a female stalker?

Peg - Do they still come around? No? Are you sure?

Grand Crapaud said...

She's a scary woman, for sure!

Mike said...

Grand - Your next blind date? She's already preparing.

The Mistress of the Dark said...


Mike said...

Andrea - Just a little...