Friday, March 01, 2013

2180 - Misc. Friday

Even though unions can be a pain in the ass we wouldn't be where we are today without them.

Face palm!! Who knew!

I found this after I complained about YouTube.  Seems other people are having problems too. My problem seems to have gone away for now.

For animal people.

Here's some really good advice from the advice duck.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

It's true about the animal rescurers.

So make decisions when I'm happy, and promises when I'm angry?

Big Sky Heidi said...

Nice one about the onions.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

That first one has been spoken in our home many times.
The 2nd one is something i am going to try instantly. That could be why I'm on this friggin' plateau I've been doing it all wrong!

Mike said...

Angel - Animal people are good people. Maybe not always sane, but good.

Heidi - I had to back to find the one about the onions.

Peg - Have Rick take a picture.

I'm With Stupid said...

"Hey buddy! Corporations are good, decent people!"

- Mitt Romney

Animal rescuers are good people.


Mike said...

Mitt(Jay) - Still waiting for that first execution in Texas.