Did you watch 60 Minutes last night? If not you missed the segment on the contaminated drugs that were put out by NECC.
NECC was supposed to be making drugs for individual patients. They decided to up their game and make bulk drugs. Without FDA oversite. They don't need no stinkin' FDA. What could go wrong?
Well 48 dead and counting is what could go wrong. And a year ago when they knew something was wrong, what did they do? Warn people? Hell no. They started pulling money out of the company knowing that the company was going down. Ahhh greedy capitalist scum at their best. And who says we need regulators!
Here's the 60 Minutes segment. It's 13 minutes long.
Taking Life One Day At A Time
19 minutes ago
It's bad enough that something like 50% of all drugs are ineffective yet the drug companies run ads telling people to go to the doctor and ask for it anyway, now they're just straight up killing people.
Jay - But it's the American way.
You can't trust either drug companies or our government.
I second what Heidi said
Heidi - We could start a game show. We could call it 'Who do you trust?'. Oops. Nevermind.
Andrea - I'm sure there are thirds and fourths a plenty out there.
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