Here's an interesting interview on Charlie Rose with Jeremy Grantham. He is Co-founder and Chief Investment Strategist of Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo.
Most of the time when Charlie Rose does a full show interview with one person I have trouble watching the whole show (53 min). But not this time. I had never heard of this guy before but he has some interesting perspectives on how we wound up in the financial mess we are in right now. Plus he saw it coming and no one would listen to him.
He also said most of the lower level stock analysts saw it coming also and the company owners told them not to say anything.
Anyway, if you have time it's an interesting 53 minutes. No time now? Book mark it for later. It's well worth the time.
There was no embed option so here's THE LINK. You can blow it up full screen.
Taking Life One Day At A Time
50 minutes ago
Thanks, I'll give this video a shot.
A major point he makes is how lower interest rates are yet another way the middle and lower economic classes are screwed by the upper's. If you're already upper, lower interest rates don't deprive you of much income and you can borrow cheaper than ever if you want to borrow. But if you're not upper, then you can't make any money from the banks when all they offer is so little interest, and thus you have a rough time qualifying to borrow, because you're not making anything on what little you can put away in savings or CD's.
Angel - It's worth your time.
Claudia - True. There's a lot of information in this interview.
The current low interest rates mean that there's very little incentive for saving, especially since there's the inflation on things that is not statistically recognized in cost of living indexes.
Duck - There's NO incentive for saving with the interest rates as low as they are. And the dividend rates on stocks aren't much better.
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