This is one of those videos that's just belly laugh funny. I think they beeped out all the bad words.
You can think about poopy diapers when you have your corned beef and cabbage since they are in the same smell category, stinky.
4 hours ago
LOL! I needed a good laugh. Too bad both boys are toilet trained now otherwise I have just the friend to do that to too!
Corned beef and cabbage, stinky?? Are you nuts?? Corned beef and cabbage is the very food of the gods! And I'm not even Irish!
Sometimes you just have to get past the smell. Corned beef and cabbage is one of those!
Amanda - You can come up with a story about an Adrian setback.
Bilbo - The God of thunder?
Angel - I can get past it if I'm really hungry. Most of the time I take a pass.
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