Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2199 - t-shirts

Another new element has been discovered.

Pointing out the obvious.

Common sense. It's not so common.

Mikegrophobia, Mikepolor disorder, Delusional Mike disorder, Miketishism, Hypomikedriasis, Vaginismike.

No I'm not. What if I had nothing to look forward to?


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Does element UM refer to the University of Missouri's basketball team?

I just filled out my bracket.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Rick used to tell me that if sense were really common more people would have it. In fact he said this on our 2nd date. My thought was, hmm...he's an odd one! :-)

Dianne said...

excellent collection Mike

I'm With Stupid said...

I saw a pic of the guy who is playing Jesus in the Palm Sunday reenacting of Jesus entering Jerusalem this weekend at the Baptist Church. I can tell you for a fact that Jesus is a tall blue-eyed blond who is also a very good quarterback.


Mike said...

Angel - Missouri has two teams in the midwest bracket. SLU, St. Louis University, is ranked higher than Mizzou.

Peg - So the thought about common sense is more common than the sense itself.

Dianne - I have more!

Jay - Sometimes reenacting is more accurate than the original. Or maybe not.

Grand Crapaud said...

If Mizzou didn't join the SEC, they would have only two team in. The Nashville paper called the SEC's month "March Badness."

Lizbeth said...

I think I like Peggy's husband.....he's so right about common sense.

Mike said...

Grand - Basketball is certainly doing better than football did.

Lizbeth - Don't go giving Rick a big head now.

Bilbo said...

I don't have procrastination issues. I'm the guy who put the "pro" in procrastination.

Mike said...

Bilbo - ummmm.... I'll get back to you.