Friday, March 22, 2013

2202 - Habits

What kind of habits? Why porn habits. It's about time someone started compiling this info. People want to know! And apparently there's enough info on the USA to compile the stuff state by state. Aren't you lucky!?

So if you want to see what your state (or country) is into porn wise, here's the LINK. Then you can start wondering what your neighbors are up to.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

What is pov and creampie? The South seems to be into creampie. Sure that isn't Moon Pie?

Dianne said...

I'm afraid to know any more than I do about my neighbors

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Having found out about Kathie Lee's bush, I'm afraid to learn too much more today.

But hentai?

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I found this funny....Hungary was a bit sick, mother and son? oooh.
And a couple I did not know what the appreviations, they need a key. I guess that means I'm not watching that type of porn, that i know of. :-)

Mike said...

Angel - Maybe pov is the PBS series Point of View. That can get kind of dicey sometimes.

Dianne - I know what you mean.

Elvis - Or Hoda's landing strip? I looked up hentai and it just anime porn.

Peg - I didn't know what much of that stuff was either. I just learned what hentai is from wikipedia.