Look out! The kids got a gun!
No wait. It's a half eaten pop tart. Well it looks sort of like a gun. And he was waving it around like a gun. So lets suspend him for two days. OK?
Well from the over reaction department comes THIS STORY. A kid chews a pop tart into the shape seen in the picture. Teacher says he said bang bang. Kid says no I didn't. Kid gets sent home for two days.
I hope stuff like this isn't happening in more than this one crazy school. I guess if it was it wouldn't be in the news anymore. Sort of like people dying in car crashes. It wouldn't be newsworthy.
Happy Monday!
53 minutes ago
When an authority figure makes a bonehead judgement like this, it's bound to make the news on a slow news day.
I read about 2 boys getting suspended for playing shoot them up with their fingers
another child for making a paper plane that looked like a gun
all were in grade school
we're not talking to our kids, we're just reacting like a pack of loons
Adults can be ridiculous when they overreact. Where has common sense and good judgment gone?
Angel - It makes you wonder how much more of this is happening and we're not hearing about it.
Dianne - Pack of loons - excellent description!
Grand - Common sense and good judgment are hiding in fear.
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