Monday, April 01, 2013

2212 - April fools

Look outside. I may have visited your house last night. Or your office.

How much for your car? Come on, I know your selling it.

No really I can't work. I have to leave the nail in as evidence.

Wait until you know someone is going to be off for the day. Then......

This could be for anytime.

I think I read that some kid did this to his Dad. I hope the Dad had a sense of humor. And didn't have to get to work in a hurry.

What to do with all those sticky notes. What to do, what to do.....


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Now those pranks have style! Especially the Post-It note car.

Duckbutt said...

I guess Dad had to use the john at the gas station!

Dianne said...

I love the shrink wrapped car, that's just fantastic

I'm With Stupid said...

April Fools pranks are hilarious as long as they're being played on someone else.


Mike said...

Angel - The post it note car looks like it took a lot of work.

Duck - Unless he was in his room. Then it may have been out the window.

Dianne - So who are you lining up for next year?

Jay - Obviously.

Amanda said...

My favourite was the one with all the cups of water! That would be soooo funny.

Mike said...

Amanda - I see an April fools joke in your future.