Wednesday, April 03, 2013

2214 - Name that brand.

Or as the test asks, name 'a' brand. A Chinese brand. Seems that most people in the USA can't name even one Chinese brand even though they make 50% of the products we consume. I thought, are you kidding? Why I can name... Toyota (28 respondents, Japan); Sony (22, Japan); Honda (19, Japan); Samsung (18, Korea); and Nike (14, USA) .... uuuhhhhh wait a minute. I can come up with none. 

  • 1,403 of 1,500 respondents (94%) were unable to name a Chinese brand.
  • 9 of 1,500 respondents (0.6%) were able to name 5 Chinese brands.

    So have a guess. I'm one of the 1403. To see what some Chinese brands are go this ARTICLE. More stats to look at also.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Mike, it's disabled.

Mike said...

Angel - Maybe slow internet earlier? I got to the article OK. Unless 'disabled' is a Chinese company.

Dianne said...

I love the people who named 'Air China'
even after reading the Chinese brands I had never heard of any of them

article opened right up for me

loved your fork in tree comment :)

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Thanks. I got the article this time. I'm not familiar with those brands.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

it told me it was disabled and then I couldn't rid it without a control alt delete. Is this a late april fools joke?

Mike said...

Dianne - I didn't even know there was an Air China.

Angel - Lenovo is the only one that I knew.

Peg - If I could take credit for a late AF joke I would. I keep going to the link to see if will ever fail on me and it never has. It's internet goblins.

I'm With Stupid said...

If asked to guess at the name of a Chinese Brand I probably would have said "Air China" too. I honestly don't know any others.


Brian said...

Li Phong

They make those little power supplies that you may be using on your laptop. Actually, the Chinese make a lot of components that are used in products, they don't make a lot of end-products.

Mike said...

Brian - Google won't even find Li Phong as a company. Lots of guys with that name though.

Grand Crapaud said...

I'm not familiar with them also.

Amanda said...

This one was easy for me :)

Mike said...

Grand - Join the crowd.

Amanda - I should have emailed you before I 'officially' took the test.