Sunday, June 16, 2013

2288 - Cheerios commercial

You know the commercial where Cheerios features a biracial couple? It seems the video on Youtube was getting so many racist comments Cheerios deleted and turned off all comments.

Here's a news story on the ad.

And all this has generated a Cheerios parody ad. It's pretty funny.


John A Hill said...

I saw this commercial before all of the hoopla and then had to see it again because I hadn't noticed anything biracial about it. Maybe being a product of a biracial marriage has blinded me or maybe it's just not that big of a deal.

Mike said...

John - I shouldn't be that big a deal anymore but in certain segments of society it still is unfortunately.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

It's sad that those attitudes still linger in some people.

Mike said...

Angel - Yes it is.