Sunday, July 14, 2013

2316 - 137 of them

137 landmarks that is. Recognize any of them? Someone put pictures of them on one screen shot. Click it to big it.

For the magic decoder key on what all these things are go HERE.

And then on the screen that pops up, hit the back button to see a bunch of other cool art.

ORRRrrrrrr you can go to google images and see buttloads more.


Bilbo said...

You know, us older, visually-deficient guys have trouble with things like this even after we click it to big it. It would be much more user-friendly if you would just print the list of landmarks and then add your credit card number so we could buy tickets to go and see them in person. Just a thought.

Duckbutt said...

I had to do to the list, except I thought one was the Eiffel Tower.

Things look different from overhead.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Definitely looking at them from an odd angle!

Mike said...

Bilbo - I thought about printing the list but why duplicate work already done? I'm too old to waste time. For free tickets call BR549. They'll take care of all your needs.

Duck - Some of the direct overhead shots were way too hard to guess.

Angel - I saw the St. Louis Arch right away!