Thursday, July 25, 2013

2327 - Octopus

So what's the plural of that word in the title? Well here's a video from Merriam Webster that explains it all.

So, how did I come across this? I found an article called 'Is technology making us smarter or dumber?' In that article was a mention of a University of Connecticut project about the endangered Tree Octopi. Sounds like BS doesn't it? Well they went out of their way to convince a bunch of seventh graders that it was true.

The UC students created a site that will have you believing in the Tree Octopus. Follow the links. It doesn't matter. They have all their facts backed up with backups of backups. Some of the links lead to real sites. Some are spoofs on participants sites.

So if you want to have some fun with the Tree Octopus, go to this LINK.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Such a beautiful creature! Does it drink coffee like others in the NW?

Amanda said...

I think I like the word 'octopodes'...

lacochran's evil twin said...

Love the "How you can help" section....

Place a tentacle ribbon on your website.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I believe the real moral of this story is Mike has too much time on his hands.

I'm jealous

Kristen Drittsekkdatter said...

I enjoyed the site!

Mike said...

Angel - Sounds like the subject of a Phd thesis.

Amanda - It sounds a little more refined than octopuses.

LET - I'm selling tentacle ribbons for your car. 10 bucks.

Peg - Research takes time and money. I'll sell you a ribbon for 10 bucks.

Kristen - I wonder how many student hours went into creating it.