Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2346 - Food path

So you can't get to sleep because....

So you get up and eat. Well at least you'll have company.

But at least you had a diet soda. That's good right?

Maybe if you worked at McDonalds you could learn about good nutrition. After all they show their employees about all other aspects of life.

Well that didn't work. Get out of there fast. But don't get pulled over by the police. If you do maybe you'll get a friendly cop.


Grand Crapaud said...

Ugh! I won't go to McDonalds again!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I didn't know those facts about diet roda. Besides, it has that diet soda taste. Ugh!

Mike said...

Grand - Unless you know somebody that works there and will give you free food.

Angel - There has always been controversy about aspartame. But it seems to be showing up in more products.

I'm With Stupid said...

All diet soft drinks suck. I'm pretty sure I've tried them all too. Nothing beats regular Pepsi.

I'll take a #6 w/ no onions at McDonald's please.


Mike said...

Jay - You have to get older before your taste buds deteriorate enough to tolerate diet soda.

Kristen Drittsekkdatter said...

I have that problem too.

Mike said...

Kristen - So you need to try harder to get old also.