Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2353 - Codes and countries

So I'm checking some of the links on my sidebar to see if any of them have changed. I hit Country Codes which should take you to the Wikipedia article on internet country codes. It reroutes me to another article that is bigger and better than what I remember.

Plus it has a spiffy new 26x26 table. The table in the article is interactive. It tells you the name of the country and if you click it, it takes you down the page to more info.

(click it to big it)

The table has an index in the article. The countries are mainly green (248) with a few territories thrown in with a few island groups thrown on top. So it's hard to tell how many countries there really are in the world.

That lead me to click on the US which took me to the ISO information which mentioned the United States Minor Outlying Islands. That article mentions the Bajo Nuevo Bank which is basically an atoll in the Caribbean.

The crazy thing about the Bajo Nuevo Bank is that four countries claim it including the United States.

So if you can get your kid born on the atoll, you can claim citizenship in the US, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Trinidad. Eat your heart out Ed Snowden.


Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

So another Guano Island? We really need another one.

I'm With Stupid said...

Yeah, I think we all know what the "Bank" part of Bajo Nuevo Bank means. Mitt Romney was born there.


Mike said...

Elvis - And how many more are out there that no one knows or talks about.

Jay - Maybe Mitt will return home and not bother us anymore.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Fascinating in its complexity.

Mike said...

Angel - The chart or the island?

lacochran's evil twin said...

If you had the chance to claim a Caribbean spot in any way, shape, or form, wouldn't you?

Oh, you totally would.

Mike said...

LET - I would but then I would sell it to ...... YOU!

Bilbo said...

When I have my own country, it's going to need a lot more than two letters to designate it.

Mike said...

Bilbo - You can call the island Bilbo Bay. Then declare war on the US, surrender, and get all kinds of aid.