If you turn right you're only going one way, right?
This is a funny sign that has an actual warning message but you have to blow the picture up to see it.
Go ahead. Park there. I dare you.
Now remember, don't feed your kids to the gators.
Can you imagine having to post this sign by your business?
4 hours ago
Somehow, I don't think anyone toward whom the last sign is directed will pay any attention to it.
The conditions that prompted the last sign I don't want to contemplate too closely!
With the first picture, do you split the difference between the two signs and go straight?
Bilbo - Sadly true.
Angel - I wonder if the janitor has a pooper scooper.
Penguin - Be careful. Using logic can get you in a lot of trouble.
I was in the woods with my dog and saw a pile of human poo - this sign needed to be posted. It was close to the road too. Just think how much this happens if they need a sign. I'd rather wear depends.
Peg - I hope I never have to make that decision.
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