Wednesday, October 09, 2013

2403 - MIsc. Wed.

Who says a wall between the US and Mexico would be useless? Here's a part of the border that has a wall and an international volleyball game has broken out.

Did I already post this bridge? I just think it would be so cool to .... see somebody else try and cross this.

Supposedly a house in Germany. I can't tell if it's photoshopped or not.

A snowflake magnified 50,000 times. Think about this picture the next time you stick your tongue out to catch one.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

So that's a magnified snowflake? I'll stay inside.

Strange house.......

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

A strange house! Maybe where the Grinch lives!

Mike said...

Angel - It's a frankenflake.

Elvis - At least 'a' Grinch.

Mike said...

I swear. I look at a post a zillion times for typos but sure as heck the next day......