Saturday, December 21, 2013

2465 - Money and more

Well the conclusion of yesterdays post is... my credit union took the check back!

That said here's a tongue twister about bank fees.

And here's a look at Canada's new 5 dollar bill. It's actually clear through a part of it. I don't know what it's made out of, (plastic?), but this "should" slow the counterfeiters down a little.

I like egg nog so I'm not....

They win all the time with me. I check and check for typos and grammar mistakes and still miss them.

And then I found this from the hyper inflation days in Zimbabwe. They are for sale at a greatly reduced cost on the internet.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Wow! Now THAT'S real inflation!

Big Sky Heidi said...

Those Canadian bills creep me out!