Sunday, May 18, 2014

2613 - Knees

A guy on a plane got a note from the guy sitting behind him.

What is this knee defender thing? It's two clips that clip onto the tray table arms that prevent the seat in front of you from coming back. This could start a few fights but what the heck.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm only 5'1" and when I traveled every week I would have LOVED this!!! That and something to prevent the 400lb guy sitting next to/on me.

Mike said...

Typo fixed. I still can't believe some of the stuff I miss that sticks out like a sore thumb the next day.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

As an occasional flier, I have found that inconsiderate jerks who lean the seats far back can be a problem. If this works, it's well worth it. And there's the personal space issue.