Monday, June 16, 2014

2642 - Who

I was looking at Bilbo's blog yesterday. He ended it with a Youtube music video by Dan Fogelberg, Leader of the Band.

I listened to the song and thought, this isn't the song I was thinking about when I saw the title. So off to the Google to see if I could find a song I wasn't sure what the name was, or who sung the song.

It took the Google about 4 searches to figure out what I was looking for. And there it was. Pick number 3 on search 4. And who sung the song? Who, that's who.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

The Band had a very basic, no frills name. And apparently some good songs.

Anemone said...

A great song.

Banana Oil said...

The Who has good form.