Over the years old wives tales have bit the dust one by one. Someone decided to put ten of them all in one article. Here's the list. If you haven't seen the reason one or more of them has been debunked, go to the ARTICLE.
1. Avoid dairy when you have a cold
2. Vaccines cause autism
3. Cold weather causes colds
4. Shaving makes your hair grow back thicker and darker
5. You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day
6. Humans only use 10 percent of our brains
7. Reading in the dark will damage your eyes
8. Eating turkey makes you sleepy
9. If you are overweight, you are unhealthy
10. Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming
Now eat up and lets go swimming!
4 hours ago
#6 - in DC, it's 4%, max.
The old saw about our using only 10% of our brains assumes that the brain cells are city employees.
The notion that vaccines cause autism has a great potential for harm, including a resurgence of polio. And who wants their children to get chicken pox or smallpox?
These are great antidotes to misconceptions. Bravo!
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