Friday, June 27, 2014

2653 - Orgasmatron

Woody Allen's orgasmatron has become a reality. Maybe the Chinese are technologically passing us by.



Bilbo said...

You know the old saying ... if you build it, they will come.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I assume that it will come with a plain brown wrapper! If you did not entitle the article, I would not have guessed its use.

Big Sky Heidi said...

Wouldn't most guys prefer to DIY, or have human assistance?

Bilbo said...

Heidi, I wouldn't touch my next line with a ten-foot pole. So to speak.

Insane Penguin said...

I would like to read translations of customer reviews.

Meredith said...

A gift for lazy guys?

Claudia said...

I once worked at a computerized typesetting place where we called the tall, cylindrical printer the orgasmatron. Only one of us could fit into it at a time.