Saturday, June 28, 2014

2654 - B vs W

From an article....

This short hilarious video produced by Buzzfeed Yellow is something you might have to view more than once, if you're white. Black viewers will most likely be nodding knowingly or laughing hysterically. In short, if you recognize yourself in any of these comments, stop. Just stop it right now.

I can't remember ever doing any of these things myself but I have heard of some of them.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Funny, and insightful.

Big Sky Heidi said...

Great diversion. I try to avoid that kind of bad shit.

Claudia said...

It's bold and such a lesson to people in majority groups, like the one I found where the subject is "How long have you known that you are a heterosexual?".

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

This was funny in a pathetic sad way. My nieces who are bi-racial would tell me things that people would say to them and it was always unbelievable. Now as young adults they joke about it but when they were wee little things it hurt them deeply.