Thursday, July 03, 2014

2659 - Girls look out!

Well apparently there is a new thing called sharking. Unless it's not new and I've just never heard of it before. It's supposedly big in Europe and Japan. It involves running up behind a female on the street, pulling her pants down, and running away. Great fun? Here's a video.


The Mistress of the Dark said...

Can't believe that some of these women didn't take off after the guy to kick his butt

eViL pOp TaRt said...

That's sexual assault and his butt should be kicked, followed by jail time!

Big Sky Heidi said...

It's not much fun for the female victims, though!

Mike said...

I hope no one thought I was in favor of this. When you read your post the next day things can sound different in your head.

I changed 'great fun' to 'great fun?'

Anemone said...

One more thing to worry about. My derriere being exposed in its flawed state? If this starts happening in San Diego, I'll ramp up to granny panties.

Juliette said...

I'd wear a bra too, if this becomes current in the Caribbean.