Monday, July 07, 2014

2663 - Partnership

I've decided to do a little sideshow in my spare time. I started with the old Jarts set that I've got. As you can see it didn't start out to well.

So I saw this demonstration and thought 'I can do that!'

But I'll need a new partner for my act. I was thinking Bilbo would be a perfect candidate.


Bilbo said...

Uh ... no thanks.

Amanda said...

That guy doesn't even wait to see if that last knife made it to the correct spot!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Hmmm... I'll pass too.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Gee won't Claudia be your assistant in this show?

Kristen Drittsekkdatter said...

The guy with his hand on the table must think himself to live a charmed life.