I think this is an old joke...
A bus full of nuns falls off a cliff. They all die and go to Heaven. As they were approaching the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter comes out to greet them: "My dear sisters, welcome to Heaven”, said the apostle. The nuns were thrilled to meet him, but he proceeded without delay: “Please form a line while I go back inside to get something from my office."
A few minutes later, Saint Peter came back carrying something which resembled a baptismal pool. He put it in front of the line and then said to the first sister:
"Sister Barbara..."
"Yes Saint Peter!" answered the woman resolutely.
“Did you ever touch a penis?" asked the apostle with a straight face.
The woman was shocked at first but then answered: "Errr... y... yes... but only with the tip of my finger!"
"Please, submerge the tip of your finger in the holy water.”, said the saint impassively.
As the nun put the tip of her finger in the pile, a subtle smoke emerged from the water and a sizzling sound was produced.
“Thanks sister Barbara, you may now enter Heaven”. He then proceeded to call the next sister:
“Sister Joan, did you ever touch a penis?”
“Yes… but I only grabbed it with my right hand!” answered the sister somewhat nervously.
“Please, submerge your right hand in the holy water.” said St. Peter, and as the sister obeyed the same sound and smoke emerged from the pile.
At that moment, noise and some shouts from the end of the line were heard. As Saint Peter raised his eyes, he saw a nun running desperately towards him, kicking and pushing away everyone who stood in her way.
“Sister Helen! What’s the meaning of this commotion?!” asked the saint with severity.
Gasping for air, the nun answered:
“I’m sorry Saint Peter but if I’m going to gargle with that water, please let me do it before Sister Berta sticks her ass in it!”
18 minutes ago
Funny joke! :)
Smart nun!
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