Thursday, August 07, 2014

2694 - Timberrrrrr

Have I shown you the view from my deck recently? No? Well here it is. What's that you say? It looks like I'm in the top of a tree?

Have I shown you the walk next to my deck? What's that? You can't see much of the walk?

Here's where the branch came from. It's still attached to the tree 20 feet up.

So today, if it doesn't rain all day, I get to try and cut back some of this junk so the dog can get outside a little easier.

And the fun thing is that there were two of these big branches, 10 inch diameter, that I was worried about. The one that came down was the one I was least worried about.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Aww! I'm sorry you have that kind of outdoor chore in the sweltering heat of summer, Mike!

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Arrgggh! That's a lot of work.