Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2700 - Advice duck

I've gathered a few advice ducks I need to post before they get to old as to not be relevant anymore.

This first one works for sure. I've got the facebook url in my shortcut bar with this extension.

I haven't tried this because I don't know any text books to look up.

This makes sense. Computer cookies can be evil. I've also read that you should do ticket searches in the incognito mode so no cookies are saved.

I haven't tried this one either. If someone finds out this works, let me know.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Good advice regarding airline tickets!!!!!!

Grand Crapaud said...

I like the Netflix tip!

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Definitely YES to the incognito mode. Delete cookies regularly.

Mike said...

I've found and fixed two typos so far. I can't believe what comes out of my fingers sometimes.