Thursday, September 04, 2014

2722 - Europe vs American

The difference between a European magazine and an American magazine.

I should have know there was more to this story than just a brief nipple flash. As it turns out Miss Adeline Lafouine is a ametuer porn star with a twitter account to prove it.

And here's the undoctored photo from her twitter account...


And then here are some outtakes from a German TV show starring Martina Hill. It's all in German but you don't need the translation to get the comedy. Unless Bilbo wants to translate for.... no wait! Agnes can translate.

More short outtakes.


Bilbo said...

You've gotta love the European approach to things.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Very interesting. Which do you prefer?

Mike said...

Angel - The European approach will sell more newspapers. So from a .... business... point of view, the European.

Banana Oil said...

That was incredible!