Monday, September 29, 2014

2747 - Beating the debt collector at his own game

Know somebody that's in trouble with student loans? There may be a way out. I saw this on Tavis Smiley the other night. It's about organizations called Strike Debt, Rolling Jubilee, and Debt Collective. Rolling Jubilee seems to be the one that's dealing with the actual money issues.

An organizer with Occupy’s Strike Debt and its Debt Collective, Appel explains how the projects work in seeking out, buying and abolishing debt in collections.

Hannah Appel is an assistant professor of anthropology at UCLA, whose research, writing and teaching is concerned with the economic imagination—thinking more creatively about what is possible in our economic lives. She completed her master's work at the University of the West Indies on a Fulbright scholarship, her Ph.D. at Stanford and held postdoctoral positions at Berkeley and at Columbia. Her time at Columbia coincided with the occupation of Zuccotti Park/Liberty Square, and she's been involved in the Occupy movement ever since. This involvement led to her organizing work as an activist with Strike Debt, its Rolling Jubilee Initiative, and its newly launched Debt Collective.

And again I can't get a video to post here so you'll have to go HERE to see it. It's only 15 minutes but has a lot of information.


Bilbo said...

I've never heard of an "economic anthropologist" before.

Linda Kay said...

I'm with Bilbo. And do we want anyone to get out of debt for student loans...doesn't that leave us holding the bag?

Mike said...

Linda - I think the bag is already gone by the time the debt collectors get in the game. So this is more like beating the debt collectors at their own game.

What's the real solution? 0% interest student loans. Just like banks are getting right now.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

If there's no incentive for making student loans, where will they come from?

Mike said...

Angel - Student loans come from the government. So like I said, if the banks can get 0%, so should students. :)

They used to be a flat 2%. I could live with that. But our friends in congress decided to make some money and raised the rates. Now people are having trouble getting out of debt. Until Hannah Appel came along.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Paying off student loans is a bitch. Consolidation helps.