Thursday, October 30, 2014

2778 - Blood, red or not

Good ol' red blood. Or maybe not. It seems there are different colors of blood depending on your species. How about some green blood? Or some violet blood? Or blue blood. Do you want to be called a blue blood? I wouldn't. I am not a crustacean.

If this doesn't blow up big enough to read, go HERE.


Bilbo said...

A bloody good thing to read just before Halloween! In the Star Trek world, Mr Spock (and all Vulcans) were said to have green blood because of an excess of copper. Klingons' blood was a sort of medium pink. Go figure.

Linda Kay said...

Hmmm,something to ponder on this Thursday morning, Mike...I hope to stick with red blood, as the others are kind of creepy.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Purple blood sounds gross.