Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2797 - Heat.... or not

Claudia and I are at my daughters babysitting our granddaughter when I get a call from my son who just got home from work.

'What's wrong with the furnace', he says. 'It's 60 degrees in the house'.

60 degrees? What's the problem? That's 40 degrees warmer than outside! And it's only going to drop another 7 degrees for a new low record of 13. What's the problem!

I guess I better get home soon and see what's going on with the furnace.

So I have in my mind what the problem might be. It happens from time to time with my furnace. The flame sensor gets corroded so the furnace starts it's cycle but won't open the gas valve. Fingers crossed.

YES! That's what's going on. So now all I have to do is get some metal plates out of the way to clean the flame sensor. Did I mention that the metal plates were designed by the same guy that puts spark plugs on a car engine under the air cleaner, intake manifold, and up against the firewall? I can see the flame sensor but can't get to it without taking apart some of the furnace. And one screw is behind pipe.

Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow. I love procrastination and after all, it's still 60 degrees in the house. Maybe not. Claudia might get fussy.

OK so now it's fixed as I sit here typing this post in my 60 degree house with the furnace running it's little guts out right now. It's not that bad. No really! Trust me.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

I hope this turns out well and warmth is restored.

Linda Kay said...

Mike it is really funny how we can be delighted to get to 60 degrees, but find it too cold when it drops to that in the house. Hope you warm up, or you won't be able to type on your blog!

Anemone said...

Hope you get the heat going again.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I was thinking excactly what Linda Kay stated. But inside 60 is too damn cold!!

Bilbo said...

It was 60 degrees in the house when I woke up this morning. We usually turn off the heat before we go to bed, and I turn it back on when I leave for work.