Monday, December 15, 2014

2824 - Magical light

The forever light bulb.

From an ARTICLE...

An incandescent light bulb recognized by Guinness World Records as being the longest burning is still glowing strong days after celebrations that marked its 110th anniversary.

The Centennial Light Bulb, at Fire Station No. 6 in Livermore, Calif., has been burning bright since it was first installed in 1901. (The exact date appears unknown, though the bulb's "birthday" is typically held in June, most recently June 18th.) Since then, the 60-watt bulb has been alight 24 hours a day, operating at about 4 watts.

This bulb has its own WEBSITE


Linda Kay said...

Now that is an amazing story. Kind of hard to believe that someone hasn't snuck in there to replace it!

I'm With Stupid said...

Those old 60 watt incandescent bulbs used to only last me about three months. I think that's a zombie light bulb.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

That is making it last!