Sunday, July 12, 2015

3033 - It's a game... no really

Have you ever heard of Calcio Fiorentino? It's a game that goes back to the 1400's.

From wikipedia... In 1574 Henry III of France attended a game of "bridge fighting" - put on in his honor during a visit to Venice; the king is recorded as saying: "Too small to be a real war and too cruel to be a game".

It's like football, soccer, rugby, and fisticuffs all in one game. 27 players on a side. No substitutions for any reason.

The wikipedia article is fairly short. You might want to review the limited rules before watching the video. You have to watch the first 5-6 minutes to get the feel of the game and watch the medics carry people off the field. Then if you want to see anybody score go to the 25, 43 and 49 minute marks.


Blogoratti said...

Weird and cruel game indeed. There's too much stuff going on it seems. Greetings!

Banana Oil said...

Holy crap!

Anonymous said...

That is too much!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I won't be a fan of this sport. The white jersey team looks like their pants are too low.

Cherdo said...

Ah, gladiators...I wondered when we'd see them again.