Sunday, July 19, 2015

3040 - Mister unlucky lucky

I found this article about a Croatian man that has to be the unluckiest man alive, maybe. His name is Frane Selak. There is a Wikipedia article about him. And someone made a youtube video about him. One thing that didn't make the video that was in the article was an incident where he shot one of his testicles off. I guess that wasn't life threatening enough. Here's the video...

The Wikipedia article ends with, "As of 2015, none of Selak's claims have been independently verified". Except his lottery win. It's a great story though.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Wow! His luck finally changed.

Linda Kay said...

You would almost be afraid to walk out your door! But at least he had luck in the end.

Cherdo said...

He survived some unbelievable accidents - I'm dubbing him LUCKY. He deserved that lottery dough, ha ha.