Tuesday, October 13, 2015

3126 - Now that's a big building

A new mall inside the New Century Global Center opened in 2013. The building itself is 2+ times bigger than Mall of America. 18,000,000 sq ft compared to over 7,900,000 sq ft. As of it's opening it was (and I think still is) the biggest building in the world. Here are a couple of video's about it.

This video (what video you say?) has disappeared and I can't find the link anymore. So I linked the name above to a google search if you want to see more.

This video features the water park at first but then gets to other parts of the building.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

That water park is amazing in itself, Mike! Bur shopping there must take more than one day!

allenwoodhaven said...

Is there such a thing as big enough? People do the most unusual things...